Everyone dies, but not everyone really lives - William Wallace
Hello Family,
I'm back!!!! Yes, I'm better than ever! Funny thing, I stumbled over the above quote a few days ago and the message really stuck with me. It wasn't necessarily because it was so powerful. As a matter of fact, its simplicity is what made it so compelling. But, it echoed within me because I realized that I’d advanced the threshold of this statement within my own life where I chose to finally learn what it meant to live. Don’t get me wrong, I wake up every day and go through what seems to be the most monotonous array of daily “chores” (and I say that lightly). Yet, I was going home feeling unfilled, as if there were untapped components of my being that were just waiting to be uncovered.
You see, that was my daily victory of mere existence. I had nothing to offer the world and no perception to perceive or capacity to receive what it had to offer me. One of life’s greatest joys is when we transition from existence to living. I remember in my old neighborhood there was a mechanic that had so many cars in his yard. It was fascinating to my ignorant mind because the only thing I kept asking was “Why won’t he just fix them all”? I didn’t realize that most of them he was using for parts in order to fix the other ones. Sadly enough, when he was done using it for parts, it just sat there. That reminds me sadly of us and our lives. Sometimes we give so much of ourselves away to others and their dreams that we forget that there is something that we were created for. We’re like those old cars that have given away all of their parts and now just sitting. Yet, the reality is that you weren’t created to just sit or merely exist. You were created, a creation predestined to create new generations and legacies! There is a seed of greatness locked inside of you that takes root every time you step into a position of purpose!
Don’t let this life pass by before you decide to live. Take the limits off of yourself and others and look deep within the crevices of your life and find out where your dreams dropped off. You see, I realized that I stopped dreaming a long time ago. I’d poured out, supported, and contributed to so many things and people and I’d come to the point where I was no longer able to believe in others…….or even myself! I was comfortable always being in someone else’s corner because I was afraid to face the fact that I wasn’t sure if there was anything in mine! So, I made a choice! A choice that didn’t begin with a thought alone, but a thought put into action which substantiated my belief in myself!
So today, dare to dream again, hope again, and believe again. Know that your purpose is great! Who you were created to be is real and it’s up to you to find that! Once you find that, contained therein is life that knows no boundaries! Find your dream and your purpose and within that, LEARN TO LIVE!