Interesting enough, I don't pen this article to ridicule them nor do I take the chance of attacking them with the predetermined notion that quitting isn't the best option. However, I will take a moment and encourage one to consider one question: "Is it worth it to quit"? Don't get me wrong, I get it! I may not know how hard or tough your situation is. But the reality is that I will never be able to alter the degree of life's challenges but there is strength training for the challenger! I'm not an athlete but I can't imagine a runner attempting to conquer a race that he or she wasn't fully prepared for. Therfore, I would have to determine that if a runner showed up to a marathon race, they are probably qualified to run within the race. This is likened to you and me. Whenever we're faced with life's greatest challenges, whether you know it or not....we are prepared and qualified for them!
Listen, consider all of the other things you've come through. I know this mountain may seem huge but Dear Heart, a mountain is just smaller hills clumped together. This isn't the moment to give up. It is however the moment to realize that a hero lies inside of you and you are well able to pull through this just like you pulled through that! Stay in the race! Not only were you born for this moment, you have been prepared for it. Keep running, hold your head up, and I promise you before you quit, your opponents will!
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