I know that it's been a minute since I've blogged but my life has been in transition and I have been trying to stay afloat.. However, I figured it was time to break away from the demands of life and pen you a little encouragement as you continue on your journey of life.
The other day I was doing a little friendly shopping (that means trying not to spend that much money) when I came across this lovely candle set. The candles were a light goldish color while the container was a strong greenish color. It was a small setting but was perfect for my bathroom. The price was about $6 or $7. I looked at it for a moment but decided to pass it up as I was doing friendly shopping.. lol. Well, today I went back into that same store and saw the setting again only this time it was on clearance. I picked up the box and the price had been marked down to $3.00. With the marked down price came the following note:::
"This item has been marked down due to a piece of it being broken"
So many times in life, we compromise who we are and what we stand for so that we can be loved or accepted... When in reality, just like this item, that speaks to brokenness within us. Listen beloved, you are the perfect embodiment of greatness and it cost a pretty penny for you to be perfected. Think about where you are now in your life and where you've been. There have been some hurts, pains, heartaches, heartbreaks, rejections, abandonments, sicknesses, backbitings, lyings, job losses, car losses, home losses, molestations, rapes, and God only knows what else that many of you have had to endure but look at you.... Guess what??? You made it and you're still standing... You may have to lean every now and then but you're still standing! Listen, don't sell yourself short or mark the essence of who you are down in order to make it easier for people to identify with you. Embrace who you are and I promise you, those that are meant to be in your life will rise up to the standard of your life...
It cost you a lot of blood, sweat, and tears to be the man or woman that you are today! I understand, you want to be loved, accepted, wanted... Well, can I tell you something Dear Heart? It starts with you loving and accepting yourself. To tell you the truth, when you love and accept yourself, you acknowledge the brokenness that's within your life while requiring that your worth be respected. Never allow someone to mark your price down just so it fits them.. You are worth far more than you will ever know.. The greatness that's within you requires investors that are willing to invest whatever it takes for your worth because any great investor knows that the higher the price, the greater the worth!