Dear Broken-Hearted,
There are so many things in life that I wish we could be shielded from. However, the reality is that as long as you live, you will experience hurt and disappointments... and yes, you may even have a broken heart. Yet, one thing remains and that's our ability to bounce back from every set back. You see, the truth is you really underestimate the power that you have and possess! Your heart is broken because someone didn't meet your expectations. Well guess what? You can only be assured that people will be who they are and there's nothing you can do to change that! Therefore, your disappointment shouldn't be in them because they don't hold that type of power. Instead your focus should be on yourself. What signs did you ignore? How much of yourself did you give away to someone who gave very little to you? What part of your past left an open door for you to be open and vulnerable?
Listen beloved, you can't stop what people do to you; however, you can control how it affects you! Everything in your life that happens, happens for purpose. Whether it's pain, disappointment, a broken heart, or whatever.... it all ultimately works for your good and God's glory! Think about the last storm you went through. Didn't you learn from it? As a matter of fact, David recognized in the word of God that God was faithful to deliver him. He said..
Moreover David said, “The Lord, who delivered me from the paw of the lion and from the paw of the bear, He will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine.”
And Saul said to David, “Go, and the Lord be with you!” (I Samuel 17:37)
David's testimony was sure... My life and the sheep have been threatened before by a lion and a bear, BUT GOD DELIVERED! I'm saying the same to you right now.. This is not and won't be your first storm or the first thing that you will ever endure. Often God takes away what's not meant for us in order to make room for what is! Now you can either sit in a wallow of self-defeat and allow it to dictate failure for you and your entire life. Or you can look at it as a lesson learned and move forward working on yourself so that this doesn't happen again. If I were you, I would choose the latter! Life goes on and having self-worth, freedom, and a peace of mind is the greatest gift of all!
Oh and by the way, regarding the one that hurt you, pray for that person! Always remember that hurt people hurt people! Your expectations of a person doesn't dictate their actions; their heart does! People operate based off of what lies within their hearts and you have to remember that the heart is deceitfully wicked! Words can be trickery but the heart never lies! A person's countenance can be disguised, but the heart never lies! Pray that their heart is pricked by the love of God so that they can see the error in their ways! Pray that their heart is molded unto the will of God for their lives! Pray that their mind is transformed and likened unto the mind of Christ! Pray that every yoke and chain of bondage will be destroyed within their lives! Most importantly, please remember that this person will always be a candidate for the love of Christ! Even if you can't deal with them in a relational manner or personally, always consider them as a soul that needs the Hand of God and you just might be the only image of Christ that they will ever see!
Be Blessed