I remember having to undergo what ended up being a REALLY painful toe surgery. I was fine immediately after the surgery because my toe was still somewhat numb. So, I decided to go by my office and check on some things and then go . Well, unfortunately I sat at the desk a little too long and realized that the actual pain of the surgery had started to kick in. When I finally got up to leave, I found myself in excruciating pain and couldn't see how in the world I was going to make it down this long hall, to the back of the building, and into my car. The principal that I was working for came around to my office and begin scolding me for being at the office and asked if I needed his help to my car. I told him that I sure might because I think the numbness was wearing off. He asked me to wait because someone was there to see him. Well, I couldn't turn around, it was then or never! I was in too much pain to just go back to my desk. So, I look at him and said..."Go ahead. I will make it".
My mesage today is dedicated to those who have had to endure painful situations. Perhaps these situations brought a great detriment to you emotionally or mentally but rather than face it, you became numb to it not realizing how affected you actually were. I want to encourage you because I know that life can present some really hard blows and every now and then we get hit. Undergoing divorces, painful goodbyes, loss of loved ones, and so much more can have a great impact on your life. Quite frankly, most of us have a tendency to "take a licking and keep on ticking" or in other words, we tend to keep moving while wounded!
I don't know what you've had to face and I don't want to seem as if I understand totally but I'd like to encourage you to take the time necessary to allow your wounds to heal! The reality of your destiny is connected to those life lessons that we learn as a result of pain. Honestly speaking, you can't get to those lessons if you never acknowledge that you need time to heal. Just like in my story, it will probably be a long hall that you will have to walk down in order to get back on track. But, I have faith in you! You will recover and be able to get up from this, but you must first allow yourself time to heal! The best is yet to come, but you will never recognize it if you stay stuck in the blow of worse!
As the principal hurried back to his office to take care of the parent, I stood up, pain and all! I grabbed a hold of the wall and I began to move. Before I knew it, I was at the back of the building and into my car! Guess how I did it? The same way you will, ONE STEP AT A TIME!
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