Monday, April 30, 2012

It's Not Too Late to Dream...

I can still remember being a little girl going to Wal-mart with my mom. Of course, most kids remember these experiences where you get the talk before you go in, threatened to stay close, and was almost dared to even think about touching anything… Well, my memories went a tad bit further than that. My mom is and has always been a seamstress. So, our trips to Wal-mart included browsing through the fabric section. My hometown was a very small town and everybody knew everybody. We would get to Wal-mart and there was this lady named “Angie” who would ask me time after time… “Are you going to give us a song today”? Well, of course I couldn’t let them down, so they would pick me up, put me on the fabric counter, call ALL of the other ladies over, and I would sing! I remember clearing my throat and striking out “Mr. Telephone Man, there’s something wrong with my line, when I dial my baby’s number, I get a click every time”…. Lol (that’s New Edition)… So, let’s just say that my dreams of becoming a singer started pretty early!

I’ve spoken with several people over the course of my life and one of the things that saddens me is when I meet someone that’s lost hope or an expectancy of life. Honestly, I know that life can be cruel, hard, and downright unbearable at times… Yet, I’ve found that in my toughest times, I can recall that dream, that vision, that hope that once danced in my heart and it can literally breathe life back into me. Funny thing, every time I walked into that store those ladies were asking me to sing… Little did they know, they were stirring up the gift that lied within me! There is a divine purpose that lies within you and it’s been calling you for a long time. It’s called you through every disappointment, through every hurt, through every situation and circumstance. As a matter of fact, it’s the only voice that’s probably remained consistent because it resounds deep within your spirit although a small seed planted by the Spirit of God. You may choose to ignore it but it will never leave you! Even when you decide to muffle it with mediocre friendships with people that don’t have the ability to speak life into you because they themselves are hanging by a thread, it speaks… Even when you go left into insignificant relationships with significant others that know very little of their own worth and even less of yours, it speaks…

Even in the midst of distress, your purpose can breathe life right back into you. After all, it’s the essence of why you were created. So, it’s safe to say that when you receive your purpose, you are receiving a fresh breath from God to walk into your destiny… It may be rocky at first because it’s new… it’s the beginning. But the blessed thing about beginnings is this “In the beginning, God created”. Reconnect yourself with that thing that gives you passion. I know there’s a lot going on in your life but you can’t afford to ignore it any longer and neither can the people whose lives will be changed because of your purpose.

Oh by the way, today I’m a singer… I’m not singing the way I want to be, but I’m well on my way and the journey thus far has been amazing… God gave me a dream that would not die (Shirley Murdock)… It’s not too late to dream because this type of dream is purposed to come true!