Monday, May 7, 2012

Good, But Not God!

Hello Family...

I’m reminded of a trip that I took not too long ago with two of my friends to one of my favorite shoe stores. There was an upcoming event and I was purposed to be divariffic (why did the spell check come up for this word??? Did it not get my dictionary list memo??? )… Anywho, the event called for a cocktail dress so I had a black one that I wanted to wear; however, my only dilemma was what to wear on my feet… I tossed back and forth with a solid color such as turquoise or red with accessories of the same color to not be so boring. Once I convinced myself that was not the way to go, I decided that red trimmed zebra print stilettos would be the best solution and I could rock my red accessories. So, I proceeded with the purchase of these stilettos and was convinced that my choice was the best choice. Once I got home to try everything on, I began to realize just a few things. This event was more of a social event that would more than likely call for me to mingle. Well, these shoes had a thin 6 inch heel. Secondly, it had begun to rain and there was a possibility that I would have to run or strut just a little. Well, this couldn’t happen in 6 inches, honey! So, I had to make a drastic decision in a short amount of time. I choose to go with my low cut leather boots, designer stockings, and red accessories. Were the stilettos bad? No, they are beautiful shoes and I wear them often. However for this event, they wouldn’t have been the best choice. I would’ve caused myself a lot more headache because of a simple “good” choice.

This rings heavily for me because there are so many times in life when we mistake a good choice for a God choice; a good idea for a God idea; etc. There will always be good things that come into your life. There will always be good people that come into your life. However, the lessons come when we learn to not make temporary things permanent possessions! This clouds our vision. Your perception becomes tainted because you can’t let go of temporary things and your ability to perceive permanent things doesn’t exist. So, you go through life murmuring and complaining because you’ve married temporary assignments but won’t give your permanent obligations the time of day. You spend time fighting for friendships and relationships that died long ago while ignoring the new people that God has brought to your life for this season. While you cry over what’s left, you fail to realize that you sign a deal to conform yourself into whoever you need to be in order to satisfy what God is really trying to remove. This process leaves you broken, empty, and unsure of who you are because you’ve stepped away from the real you in order to pacify that temporary thing…

Listen beloved, whether it’s a relationship, friendship, idea, business, or etc. take the necessary time to evaluate where you are in your life and where you are going. Once you’re solid on that, evaluate the people or things that you have connected to you. Sometimes, you find out it doesn’t mean not ever, just not now! That business idea may be lucrative, but is this the season? That relationship may be a good one, but is it “the one”? I’ve come to lean over the years and quite honestly I’m still learning that there are times and seasons for everything that is purposed for our lives. The Lord has a divine plan for each and every one of us and it’s imperative that we find ourselves in the will of God. I’ve lost friends and I cried and cried to only have to come to the reality that their season was up! What they needed, I couldn’t give and what I needed, they couldn’t give. Even when we tried, we compromised the reality of the shift that had taken place in our own lives to just try and salvage what God was saying to “let go”. So, I pray this blesses you as you embark on new seasons and paths in your life. Just remember things may be good, but not God!