Upcoming Author and Life Coach, Dee Cotton, offers wisdom and insight that has been successful in bringing hope to various walks of life. Her insight and counseling background offers a stable foundation of rebuilding life after mountains of despair. Dee Cotton seeks to bring hope and life to any situation, one person at a time.
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Do Something Different....
Good Morning Bloggers,
It's been a while but I'm back! Many of you know that during this time of year, I do major inventory of my life. I evaluate those things that have worked for me and those things that haven't. This includes my character, the people in my life, my methodologies, and mindsets. There's a saying: "Insanity is doing the same things while expecting different results". Unfortunately, this is true! If you want to see a change in your life, you have to invest in that change. I have a motto that has inspired me and I choose to share it with the world... "New experiences birth new mindsets, which birth new behaviors"...
Listen, the production of your life is the epitome of the investment that you make within in. If you choose to do the same old things day after day, year after year, then you will find yourself in the same old place. So many times we become complacent and settled in a box of mere existence and never really experience life to its fullest because of our refusal to break away from the captivity of our minds. I have been overweight for years!!! I tried and tried losing weight, eating healthy but the entire time I would lose the weight and find myself gaining it right back! I know I'm not the only one... But guess what I found out? I found out that my body was attempting to complete a task that my mind hadn't fully developed the capacity to maintain! While I was exercising, I was saying in my mind "I hate exercising"... While I was attempting to eat healthy, I was saying in my mind "This is not good"... So eventually my old mindsets won because they lacked the capacity to foster what I was attempting to do! Look at it like this::: If you have a pitcher that's holding 32 ounces of water and you are needing to empty the entire pitcher into another container. Would you need to get a 32 ounce container or an 8 ounce container? Ding, ding.. time's up! You would need a 32 ounce container in order to empty all of the contents of the pitcher.. The pouring of the water into the 8 ounce container can't be justified because the 8 ounce container doesn't have the capacity (the room) to hold all of the water, so it wouldn't make sense to even use the 8 ounce when you have a 32 ounce available. It's the same way with our mindsets.... A lot of times we embark on tasks and journeys but haven't fully conditioned our mindsets to have the capacity to foster what we are trying to do... Therefore, we get stuck in a rut, discouraged, and unwilling to try!
Listen, you can never operate in the palace if you don't get your mind out of the prison! You will always have what you've always had if you keep doing what you've always done. You will always deal with the same kind of relationships, friendships, disagreements, arguments, heartbreaks, disappointments, and disasters! You've got to surround yourself with people and things that represent where you are going, not where you've been! New mindsets can only be birthed by new experiences. Evaluate your life and make healthy decisions for your future. Once you do that, make an honest inventory on the areas within your life that need to change. Evaluate the people in your life. Do they represent where you are going? If not, you may have to rearrange some things. You can't desire a corporate america mind while hanging with street talking folks! You can't desire a successful marriage while hanging with singles. Find people that introduce you to something different, something better! Next, take an honest inventory of your worst qualities. You may want to work on these because they will prevent you from operating at your greatest level. In other words, you can reach the highest point of your life and fall from it because of your lack of character! This is what allows you maintain your greatest achievements. Most importantly, develop new positive mindsets for where are going because where you've been has a mind of its own! Once you learn to be honest with yourself as to where you are, what needs to change, and create positive mindsets for where you want to go, the sky is the limit! You can definitely then do and be something different!