Monday, November 18, 2013


Hey Family!  It’s been a while but I wanted to share my heart with you.  There are a lot of things in the making and I’m super excited.  

Well, let me share… Recently, I discovered somewhat of an “infestation” of gnats in my apartment.  Let me say… “I don’t like any type of insect that flies”!!!  I noticed a few and it was shortly after a rain had occurred, so I didn’t think anything of it.  However, as the days grew, I began to see more and more gnats… I asked one of the Pest Control professionals about it and he said, “There must be a source, find the source and you’ll solve the problem”… Of course, I walked away from this conversation completely disturbed because I was certain that there was no “source”… Sure enough, I went home and found a bag of trash that I’d tucked away in the front closet because I didn’t want to go out in the rain and figured I would “remember” to grab it the next morning… Needless to say, I immediately removed the trash and began to go to work on the annoying gnats!
I didn’t have any type of spray so I poured Clorox in a spray bottle because Clorox kills any and everything!!!  I mean I went to town!!! I sprayed Clorox on every place that I witnessed the gnats land.. I even sprayed the Clorox in midair hoping they would die upon contact.  Well, one of the places that I sprayed was the mirror in one of the bathrooms.  The very next morning the residue from the clorox was still on the mirror and I witnessed this gnat fly around the mirror but never land all because of the residue that was still on the mirror.  What am I saying?

When was the last time that someone’s course changed simply because of the residue that you left upon their life?  What type of mark, impression, or influence have you made that caused someone else to take a look at him or herself and want to change for the better?  We are all called for purpose and most of us fulfill purpose without even attempting to.  Yet, there comes a time when your obedience to your purpose brings change to someone else’s life.  As a matter of fact, whenever you are obedient to your purpose, you birth change in someone else’s life.    I imagine, just like that gnat, there are people hanging around you and wanted to land in the midst of your presence just to leech or “hang” around….. Hopefully, the residue of you answering the call to purpose and moving forward in what you are called to do will cause that person to be redirected to do the same…. Perhaps your willingness to operate in maturity will redirect them to do the same.  Perhaps your willingness to make something out of your life will redirect them to do the same.  Perhaps your willingness to be a better mother, father, wife, husband, etc. will redirect them to do the same….. Be agents of change!

Be the change that you want to see in the world is a powerful quote… However, I will mock it just a little and tell you not only be the change but leave the type of residue (mark, impact) that forces change!