Saturday, February 2, 2013

I Want More....

Good Morning,

It's another day's journey and like the more seasoned saints used to say, " I'm glad about it"!  I am excited to be able to share with you once again.  Life is good and my heart is full of expectancy for my life as well as yours!  2013 is in full mode already and I pray that each of you are working diligently towards destiny following the path of purpose all the way! 

Well, I wanted to briefly share with you this morning as I was reflecting on one of my favorite scriptures.  Philippians 3:13 (part a) says, "Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended".  First and foremost, Paul is an amazing example of a leader in the Body of Christ and a follower of Christ.  The book of Philippians is excellent in its declaration of fellowship and like-mindedness amongst believers and chapter 3 happens to be an awesome chapter.  But, you all have busy days and little time so I wanted to just share this little tidbit...

Recently an older 63 year old man was interviewed.  This man works two full time jobs, has been married, has five kids and desires to be married again and would like two additional children.  He is well off financially and just works to pass time.  The question was asked "Why is it that you are still working so hard so close to the age of 65 when you have more than enough money and are you really considering marriage and children at your age?"  The man looked at the interviewer and said, "I've been in the military and I have held a beautiful life but I'm not satisfied until the Lord calls me home... Until then, my motto for everyday is 'I WANT MORE' ".  Wow!  Can you honestly look at your life and say that everyday I am working hard, moving, and striving because I'm not satisfied?  Or have you become complacent and lazy because life hasn't ended up the way you want it to?  So many times we become lazy and complacent failing to continue reaching and striving and honestly there could be several reasons why: heartbreak, lack of results, opposition, disbelief, lack of wisdom, and many more...   But what seems hardest for people to understand is the fact that all of these reasons are merely tools that are used to refine you!  They refine your patience, refine your love walk, refine your tenacity!  Trials are designed to shape you and in most cases, to redirect you!

Do me a favor!  Re-evaluate your life!  Please don't reduce your life to one single act that has happened to you along the way!  So what if they left?  Chances are, they had to leave because that's the only way you would see that they were connected to your destiny!  So what you lost your job?  Chances are, if they wouldn't have fired you, you wouldn't have ever started your own business!  So what you lost everything you had?  The truth is, you can always begin again!!!  What am I saying??? Paul was an amazing Apostle of Christ and his declaration was this:::::  I HAVEN'T MADE IT YET!  Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended:::: In other words, we are ALL striving for greater!  We are all screaming, shouting, pressing, travailing for MORE!!!  Through every circumstance, I am screaming for more!  With every trial, I am screaming for MORE!  I want more out of life than what I've seen.  I want more for my children, more for my family, more for my friends.... MORE!  You have gained a lot but take a note from this older man.  Until the Lord calls you home, your daily motto should be..... I WANT MORE!