Tuesday, January 1, 2013

This Time....

Hello Family, 


This morning I was reminded of the time when I was attempting to work on my first website.  I was utilizing a program that I was not familiar with and to my dismay, I struggled through the entire process!  My layout was all wrong. I placed frames where they shouldn't have been.  Let me just tell you, it was a mess!  What was more ridiculous was the fact that the only way that I could change it was to reset the entire process and start over!  One thing is certainly for sure.... upon starting again there were several things that I was sure not to do again.  Literally, in my mind I'd made a mental note to stay away from certain fonts, certain widgets, certain layouts, and graphics because of my inability to maneuver through them and because they were completely off course of my mental design of the project. 

My message today is simple:  Sometimes in life we find ourselves operating in a layout that's not designed for us!  We struggle through the process just trying to create the most beautiful masterpiece knowing on the inside that this is all wrong!  Don't be afraid to hit the reset button of life!  Start over!  Begin again!  This time, be more determined!  This time, be more authentic!  This time, be a trailblazer, dare to do something different!  Stay away from those things and people that don't support where you are going because they will get you off track!  This time, step out of your comfort zone into a whole new world of possibilities!  This time, choose  to be more confident and bold!  

It's a new season, a new year, and a new day!  Make up your mind to not waste this moment..... NOT THIS TIME!