Monday, December 31, 2012


From day to day she moves with class, beauty, poise and confidence into the countless distinctions of life. Her role is ever-changing from mother, wife, business woman, girlfriend, aunt, grandmother, and niece with an expectation that she exceeds them all. Yet, in the toughest of times she finds the strength to endure even that in which she thought was impossible. She comes through life's challenges with a smile and enough strength to push an entire army. She is the backbone of her family and has the right amount of compassion and love in her womb to nurture her family and the world. She makes everything beautiful with her words. The coldest of places can be warmed by her presence. The driest of places can be moistened by her joy... She is the epitome of God's plan of a help meet and she is the embodiment of every Adam's right hand! She can work a job, nurture the kids, and take care of her husband at the same time.. She is born to birth! She holds wisdom and grace within her womb and has the ability to bring forth in every season... When the world declares it's barren, she births! When life says it's over, she births! In the face of adversity, intimidation and fear, she births! She holds the womb for every seed.... she is WOMAN!

My message today is simple: BE THE WOMAN! Be the woman that is unstoppable, beautiful, and full of grace! Be the woman that doesn't allow her past to determine her future! Be the woman that has declared that she will survive and make it regardless of what her spectators have said or declared! Be the woman that births the vision for your husband declaring that he shall reach his full potential and purpose! Be the woman whose husband trusts her confidently and obtains favor because of her! Be the woman that instills wisdom within your children! Be the woman of intelligence carrying yourself in a way that inspires others to be all that they are meant to be! Adorn yourself but let your heart be your ultimate beauty! Be the woman that's not afraid to let another woman shine! Be the woman that encourages her other sisters to live life to the fullest encouraging them to love themselves so that they can fully love others! Be a woman that sets a standard with values and boundaries! Be a woman of effective communication that says what she means and means what she says! Be a woman that's given to prayer reverently worshipping and fearing the Lord! Be her.... the woman with wisdom, grace, strength, words of edification, and faith..... BE THIS WOMAN.....VIRTUOUSLY!